Thursday, August 30, 2018

Virtual Reality Exploration in the SDS - Matt Fisher

This semester we're going to be diving deeper into exploring that possibilities of using our virtual reality class set with our students and partner schools.  Not only will we have the capability to take an entire class on a field trip to the Great Wall of China, the International Space Station, into the ocean to explore sharks, or into the human ear canal, but we'll also start the process of learning and teaching how to create our own virtual worlds.

Using digital tools such as CoSpaces, Google Tour Creator, and RoundMe, we will be exploring how we can use our 360 degree cameras and smart phones to capture the worlds around us digitally, import the images, and then create audio captions and links to resources.  We're even exploring how to use common everyday materials (cardboard boxes and art supplies) to create dioramas that we can convert into a 360 view as well.

This fall, we're planning to offer a workshop for teacher on how to begin exploring and integrating into the curriculum.

Until then, check out our virtual version
Jackson Pollock's Cardboard Art Studio

The cardboard box version is pictured below. 

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